
Investment Advisory Services

Portfolio Management Services: We provide portfolio management services on a discretionary and non-discretionary basis. Our portfolio management program is designed to provide you with the appropriate asset allocation, diversification and risk characteristics consistent with prudent portfolio management. On a discretionary basis, we design, revise and reallocate a custom portfolio for you. 

The investments are determined based upon your investment objectives, risk tolerance, net worth, net income, age investment time horizon, tax situation and other various suitability factors. 

On a non-discretionary basis, we provide periodic recommendations to you and if such recommendations are approved, we will ensure that the authorized recommendations are carried out. In performing our services, we are not required to verify any information received from you or from outside professionals you may have engaged. 

You are advised that it remains your responsibility to promptly notify us when there is any change in your financial situation and/or financial objectives for the purpose of reviewing, evaluating, or revising previous recommendations and/or services by us. 

Financial Planning Services: We provide advice in the form of a standard financial plan based on your financial situation and stated financial goals and objectives. Our online tools will start you on your journey. Our financial plans will address any or all of the following areas of concern:

  • Personal: Family records, budgeting, personal liability, estate information and financial goals.
  • Tax & Cash Flow: Budget analysis and planning for past, current and future years. We will illustrate the impact of various investments on your current income tax and future tax liability.
  • Death & Disability: Cash needs at death, income needs of surviving dependents, estate planning and disability income analysis.
  • Retirement: Analysis of your current strategies and investment plans to help you achieve your retirement goals.
  • Investments: Analysis of investment alternatives and their effect on your portfolio.

You can also receive investment advice on a more limited basis. This may include advice on only an isolated area(s) of concern such as estate planning, retirement planning, or any other specific topic. We provide specific consultation services regarding your current or projected financial position or other investment and financial concerns that you may have. 

Pension Consulting Services: We will provide pension-consulting services to employee benefit plans, which include 401(k) plans and their fiduciaries based upon an analysis of the needs of the plan. In general these services may include an existing plan review, asset allocation advice, money management services, communication and education services where we will assist the plan sponsor in providing meaningful information regarding the retirement plan to its participants, investment performance monitoring, and/or ongoing consulting. 

We may have agreements with Third-Party Administrators to provide these services as part of the Third-Party Administrator’s agreement with the plan. In these instances, the Third-Party Administrator may pay a portion of the fee charged to the plan to us for their services. In other instances, we may be introduced to a plan through a Third-Party Administrator and will provide service directly to the plan. 

Investment Strategy: Our primary investment strategy is a momentum-based portfolio management system. We manage our portfolios actively and do not buy and hold for the long term. We look at cash as a position, a retreat to safety. Our goal is to advance our clients portfolio growth and protect their assets from major losses through a dynamic and disciplined process of buying and selling assets. 

We believe by using this process, and so far, have proven, that we aggressively reduce risk and protect your wealth. By tracking the trades our system creates a self-assessment to allow us to determine if changes should be made to the portfolio to create better performance in the future. 

Our system also forces us to rebalance from time to time to keep the portfolio properly allocated. Our goal is to create capital growth and preservation through a dynamic management process. We have several managed portfolios that we find will fit most your goals and we also construct custom portfolios as needed.

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